
Hotel "One Thousand and One Nights" | Karaganda


A cozy hotel in Karaganda offers visitors and residents of the city cozy hotel rooms. The hotel also has a sauna, a restaurant and banquet hall for 40 persons.

Stats total: 32103
Stats month: 83
Stats week: 25
Stats today: 3
Category room hotel
Hotel "One Thousand and One Nights" | Karaganda
7 000 KZT
7 000 KZT
A comfortable hotel room. Very comfortable and spacious. There is everything necessary for comfort.
Hotel "One Thousand and One Nights" | Karaganda
11 000 KZT
11 000 KZT
Comfortable two-room suite hotel, friendly lounge, bedroom and bathroom. A TV with cable TV.
The hotel also offers
Karaganda, City center, 105a, Zhmbyl st.
A restaurant with a banquet hall for 40 people, where you can eat out and have a good time
Sauna, swimming pool, massage room
Sauna, swimming pool, massage room
Karaganda, City center, 105a, Zhmbyl st.
The hotel has a cozy sauna with a swimming pool. The cost is 2000 - 3000 tenge per hour. There is also a massage room...
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Address and contact
Karaganda, City center, 105a, Zhmbyl st.
Object orient:
Phone number