
Mini-hotel "Rise"


Dear guests of our city!
We welcome you to the hotel «RISE» - comfortable hotel is located in the ecologically clean area of the city of Almaty.
"The RISE" is located in the upper part of the city next to the largest shopping and entertainment center "Mega Almaty» Kazakhstan. Lovely view of the foothills Zayliskogo Alatau mountains, fresh air, friendly staff, excellent home cooking, excellent sauna, making your stay comfortable and pleasant in our hotel.
Our rooms will charm you with simple elegance and sobriety of decor.
Hotel «RISE» - feel the warmth of home comfort!

We are always happy partnership and mutually beneficial cooperation. there is a flexible system of discounts for corporate and regular customers. For more information, please contact the hotel manager.

All rooms have:
• Modern new furniture,
• LCD or plasma TV,
• Satellite TV,
• Comfortable beds with orthopedic mattresses,
• Free internet access,
• Refrigerator (deluxe, junior suite)
• A set of accessories, and bath accessories (slippers, towels, hair dryer)
• The bathrooms or showers,

Room rates include:
• Breakfast of your choice
• Tea coffee
• Fax, copier
• Safety Deposit Box
• Parking
• Laundry and ironing
• Sauna
• Laundry room service
• Transfer
• Home kitchen

Stats total: 27989
Stats month: 69
Stats week: 16
Stats today: 1
Category room hotel
Mini-hotel "Rise"
16 000 KZT
16 000 KZT
Standard room is equipped with shower, satellite TV, free Wi-Fi access to the Internet. The room has a hairdryer, shower accessories, towels, slippers. Day -...
Mini-hotel "Rise"
22 000 KZT
22 000 KZT
One-room suite is equipped with shower, satellite TV, free Wi-Fi access to the Internet. The room has a hairdryer, shower accessories, towels, slippers. The cost...
Mini-hotel "Rise"
20 000 KZT
20 000 KZT
The junior suite is equipped with shower, satellite TV, free Wi-Fi internet access. The room has a hairdryer, shower accessories, towels, slippers. The cost per...
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Address and contact
Almaty, Bostandikskiy dist., Str. Rozybakiev 233
Object orient: down the street the "MEGA" mall
Phone number