Clean, comfortable apartment for rent in the center of Uralsk. The apartment has a double bed, automatic machine, plasma TV, a sofa. Always clean bed, personal hygiene. For business travelers there is the full package of documents. For couples there is a beautifully decorated table + wine as a gift. Requests for reservations are accepted around the clock.
Rent one-bedroom VIP-apartment in Uralsk. Center district shopping center City-Centre (Department) .Svezhy euro renovation, Wi-Fi, cable TV, a large LED TV, all furniture, appliances, dishes,...
Comfortable apartment renovated, clean, warm, homely atmosphere of accommodation. Available for secure decent tenants.
Transport issues. The nearest public transport are near the house, with...
Rent a clean, comfortable apartment for guests and visiting parties. Renovation, plastic windows, quiet courtyard close by, pay parking, all the dishes are always clean...
Welcome, dear guests. Clean cozy comfortable accommodation guarantee. Confidentiality. The full package of accounting documents. Booking 24/7 hours. Call will be glad to meet you.
2-bedroom apartment in the center of Uralsk, equipped with everything necessary for a comfortable stay both guests and residents. The apartment is located on the...
Excellent apartment for daily rent for a comfortable stay in the city of Uralsk! The apartment is fully furnished! Travelers discounts! Full package of documents!...
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Rent VIP apartment in the center of Uralsk, daily, weekly. The apartment is equipped with all necessary appliances, furnished with upholstered furniture. Provided clean linens...