
Hotel «Altyn-Kazyna»

Hotel «Altyn-Kazyna»

New hotel «Altyn-Kazyna» - is a business class hotel with a combination of European quality of service and hospitality of the Kazakh land, ideally located in the center of the city. 15 minutes by taxi from the train station as well as from the airport and 20 minutes from the new official administrative center. Each room is equipped with individually controlled air conditioning, satellite TV, mini bar, telephone, safe, hair dryer in each room. Internet Wi-Fi (wireless) is available throughout the hotel free of charge. Robust security.

Stats total: 42851
Stats month: 115
Stats week: 32
Stats today: 2
Category room hotel
Hotel «Altyn-Kazyna»
11 000 KZT
11 000 KZT
The rooms of this type are for 1 person. It features: WIFI - wireless internet access, satellite TV, safe, free breakfast, calls for the city...
Hotel «Altyn-Kazyna»
16 000 KZT
16 000 KZT
This room is for two guests. The room has two single beds. It offers wireless internet access (Wi-Fi), satellite TV, safe, free breakfast, calls to...
Hotel «Altyn-Kazyna»
14 000 KZT
14 000 KZT
The room is suitable for one person or for a couple. The peculiarity of these rooms is that they are larger than the standard room...
Hotel «Altyn-Kazyna»
18 000 KZT
18 000 KZT
This room is for two guests. The room has two single beds. It offers wireless internet access (WI_FI), satellite TV, safe, free breakfast, local calls...
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Address and contact
Shymkent, Al-Faraby square, Riskulov st.
Object orient: Nauriz md
Phone number