Estimated time: night 5000 (from 18.00 to 12.00), day 6500 (check-out time to 16.00, upon arrival after 16.00), discounts from 3 days. The apartment is...
Petropavlovsk, Internatsionalnaya st., Auezov str.
Object orient: Cinema of Kazakhstan
Apartment Bureau offers you a comfortable apartment. In the provincial city of Petropavlovsk, a one-bedroom apartment for a day is rented. The apartment is...
Luxury one-bedroom apartment for a day in Petropavlovsk. Apartment Bureau offers you a comfortable apartment. The apartment is for two people, the apartment has...
Flat for rent daily, weekly in Petropavlovsk city. Status: studio apartment, bathroom and toilet, telephone, Wi-Fi, Digital TV, fully furnished, luxury apartments. Modern repair. The...
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