
Hotel "Rema" | Kyzylorda

Hotel "Rema" has opened 26.05.2016 year. This hotel is located in the heart of the city of Kyzylorda. not far from the hotel there is the city amusement park, clubs, restaurants, market, Lokomotiv Stadium, trading houses, central square, etc. The hotel is equipped with a convenient and comfortable rooms of such categories as standard with a single bed, standard with a large bed, semi-suites, suites. Also in the hotel has a restaurant with excellent European cuisine, Room service around the clock.
Street parking
Stats total: 23626
Stats month: 68
Stats week: 13
Stats today: 1
Category room hotel
Hotel "Rema" | Kyzylorda
14 000 KZT
14 000 KZT
Comfortable room with a single bed, a shower cabin, breakfast included in the room rate. There is also a mini bar.
Hotel "Rema" | Kyzylorda
20 000 KZT
20 000 KZT
Standard room with a huge double bed.
Hotel "Rema" | Kyzylorda
28 000 KZT
28 000 KZT
A comfortable room with a huge comfortable bed for two seats.
Hotel "Rema" | Kyzylorda
44 999 KZT
44 999 KZT
Excellent apartments with two rooms. In each room there is a plasma TV. There is a large double bed, seating area, dressing room, bathroom for...
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Address and contact
Kyzylorda, center, Gaidar street, d. 14
Object orient: Memorial "Eternal Flame"
Phone number