
Hotel "Asetan" | Kyzylorda

The best choice of your accomodation in Kyzylorda - "Asetan" hotel. Good location at the city center. The hotel offers comfortable modern suites with all the amenities. Each hotel room has air conditioning, satellite TV. Breakfast is included in room price. The hotel has a restaurant, billird room, sauna. There is a parking place near the hotel.
Stats total: 38964
Stats month: 107
Stats week: 42
Stats today: 7
Category room hotel
Hotel "Asetan" | Kyzylorda
15 000 KZT
15 000 KZT
Comfortable hotel room for two persones at "Asetan" hotel of Kyzylorda. Modern furnoture, comfort is for everu guest. Breakfast is included in price.
Hotel "Asetan" | Kyzylorda
12 000 KZT
12 000 KZT
Cozy hotel room at the hotel of Kyzylorda "Asetan" with a large double bed. There are all the amenities, spacious comfortable bathroom. Brakfast is included...
The hotel also offers
Restaurant "Asetan"
Restaurant "Asetan"
Kyzylorda, Ayteke bi st., 28 Aiteke bi st.
Classic restaurant invites guests of Kyzylorda. National, europenian and korean food.
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Address and contact
Kyzylorda, Ayteke bi st., 28 Aiteke bi st.
Object orient: square, Kazakhtelecom
Phone number