There is VIP apartment for rent, situated in a new silicate house. The apartment has nice renovation. It is clean, cozy. There is all new furniture, household appliances.
Here you will find all necessary equipment and furniture. The apartment is ideal for 1 person. Here there is everything for Your comfort and convenience.
Good vacation rentals apartments in Atyrau for guests planning to stay in the city center. New luxury house in an area with developed infrastructure. The...
Odnakomnatnaya Comfortable apartment for rent by the hour, for days. Convenient location, right bank, the city center, good infrastructure. At your service set of Internet,...
Atyrau, md Saryarka; Satpayev; Kulmanov;, Satpaeva str.
Object orient: Air Agency
One bedroom apartment. Clean, comfortable, in the heart of the city. The apartment has all appliances, dishes, cleaning supplies and more. Infrastructure. For business travelers...
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8 000 KZT
Standard price
Address and contact
Atyrau, M 4-one; neighborhoods; victory park, 2 md