
"Astana" hotel

Hotel "Astana" has a convenient location of the hotel for guests of Astana, being in Astana station building (old building). Near the hotel has a restaurant "Astana". The two-storey building, the hotel features comfortable suites and junior suites, relaxation rooms. The hotel offers its clients a full range of services. Reservation of seats is 2000 tenge.

Stats total: 94625
Stats month: 105
Stats week: 26
Stats today: 3
Category room hotel
"Astana" hotel
3 500 KZT
3 500 KZT
Semi-luxe twin room at "Astana" hotel is equipped with television. Two single beds are in the room.
"Astana" hotel
14 000 KZT
14 000 KZT
Deluxe single room at "Astana" hotel has living room, bedroom and bathroom. Spacious and light living room is equipped with television and nice upholstered furniture....
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Address and contact
Astana, Right Bank, 3, 310 Guardian division square
Object orient: Railway station
Phone number