
"Aka" hotel

The cozy rooms at affordable prices are available the hotel "Oka", located between the old center of Astana and train stations. It offers 12 rooms, including standard and deluxe. Quality service. Parking. Accommodation in comfort.

Street parking
Stats total: 64204
Stats month: 79
Stats week: 22
Stats today: 3
Category room hotel
"Aka" hotel
5 000 KZT
5 000 KZT
Standard room, light, comfortable. All the amenities.
"Aka" hotel
9 000 KZT
9 000 KZT
Standard room for two persons at "Aka" hotel. Spacious, cozy. The room is fully equipped.
"Aka" hotel
10 000 KZT
10 000 KZT
Comfortable room de luxe. Spacious, all the conveniences are in the room, cable TV.
The hotel also offers
Astana, Right Bank, 79 Pobedy av.
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Address and contact
Astana, Right Bank, 79 Pobedy av.
Object orient: Opera and ballet theatre
Phone number