
Summer houses in Borovoe

Summer houses in Borovoe
There are four beautiful summer house for rent in Borovoe, a fenced green area, near the center. At your disposal: a gazebo in the territory, BBQ and a great room! Inside cabins 4 berths, rent the whole house - 8000 tenge per day, everything: dishes, refrigerator, bed, TV.
Street parking
Stats total: 17454
Stats month: 86
Stats week: 24
Stats today: 1
Category room
Summer houses in Borovoe
8 000 KZT
8 000 KZT
4 sleeps, there is everything for comfortable living - dishes, refrigerator, bed, TV.
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Address and contact
Burabay resort zone, center, Jambul 34
Object orient: Str. Jambul, close Aigerim Hotel, near the entry to the forest
Phone number