
"Casablanca" Holiday House | Borovoye

“Casablanca" Holiday House is located in Borovoye. A cozy hotel building in Borovoye has a modern style, with some hints on a fairy tale. The friendly hotel staff is glad to see each guest.
Stats total: 45426
Stats month: 61
Stats week: 9
Stats today: 1
Category room
"Casablanca" Holiday House | Borovoye
21 000 KZT
21 000 KZT
There is comfortable two-room of luxe class. The room has everything necessary for comfortable living. Three meals a day is included.
"Casablanca" Holiday House | Borovoye
16 000 KZT
16 000 KZT
There is comfortable room with three beds. The cost of living is 7000for person. Three meals a day is included.
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Address and contact
Burabay resort zone, Shuche's lake, Resort Borovoe
Object orient:
Phone number